
Facebook monitors your web activity, learn how to stop

Did you know that Facebook is aware of every website you visit on the Internet? In fact, if you’re not using a privacy feature of Facebook Activity that Facebook introduced a few months ago, start taking advantage of it now. This feature allows you to view and control the data of apps and websites that share user activity with Facebook. This feature allows you to clear the history of apps…
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Make it a habit to eat this fruit which is good for health

Aloe vera is a nutritious fruit that has many health benefits. It contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, while fiber and antioxidants also reduce the risk of various diseases. You can eat them in fresh or dried form and get various benefits. Learn about the benefits…

Common mistakes that shorten the life of smartphones

The use of smartphones is becoming more common now and most people have these devices from different companies. But do you feel that the life of smartphones is not more than one or two years after which there are many problems. In fact, most people make a few mistakes that…

What is self-esteem and how can it be instilled in children?

Due to the sports festival, there was a lot of rush of children and their parents in the field, interesting sports competitions were going on among the children and a break was announced for the purpose of relaxation. During this time a program of poems and songs was started…
BlogLatest Mobiles News

Is your phone charging slow?

Most people nowadays use smartphones but the biggest problem for them is often charging. In fact, most phones seem to be taking longer than usual to charge after a while. And this is not what you imagined. In fact, it does take time for the battery to fully charge. There are…

Causes, symptoms and treatment of malaria

The blood reaches the heart from the liver. The salivary material of the female mosquito “Anopheles” “Plasmodium falciparum” attacks the liver. Humid places and mountains have a high concentration of this mosquito, so the people there are mostly…

Yes! Complete relief from high blood pressure is possible

The way we live a busy and stressful life results in a variety of illnesses, one of which is hypertension. High blood pressure means that when the heart pumps blood into the body, there is more pressure on the arteries. This pressure usually occurs when the arteries…