
Prevalence of the Covid-19 disease is 10 times more likely than any other infection in people who are Loss of smell and taste

The prevalence of the new novel corona virus disease is 10 times more likely than any other infection in people who are Loss of smell and taste in recent days.

This was revealed in a US medical study.

Earlier, deprivation of the ability to smell and taste has been linked to Cod19 infection, but this is the first solid scientific research in which both of them have been linked to Cod19.

“According to our research, if you have lost the sensation of smelling or tasting, you are 10 times more likely to be diagnosed with Cod-19, the highest of this virus,” said Carole Yan, a researcher at the University of California San Diego. Common symptoms are fever, but fatigue and loss of sensation of smell or taste are some of the other common symptoms.

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“We know that Code 19 is a very contagious disease, and research supports the evidence that sensory deprivation of smell or taste should be included in the early symptoms of the virus,” he said.

During the study, 1480 patients were included with flu-like symptoms and were feared to have Cod19.

The men were evaluated at the University of California San Diego from March 3 to 29 and 102 of them were diagnosed with the virus, while 1378 were tested negative.

The results of 59 of 102 patients were analyzed during the study and found that 68% of them had lost their sensation of sensation while 71% had lost sensation.

Researchers report that cases of sleep deprivation or tasting are very high and they usually recover within 2 to 4 weeks.

Carol Yan said, “Our research not only confirms that Cody 19 is a common symptom in patients with sensation of smell and taste, but fortunately we also discovered that such people usually recover very quickly. ‘.

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“Recovery was improved by more than 70% of patients who lost their senses,” he said.

Researchers also discovered surprisingly that people who complain of sore throat are often diagnosed with Cod-19 negative.

Researchers said that deprivation of the senses of smell and taste should also be included in the symptoms of Cod-19 to reduce the spread of the virus.

Other common symptoms of the disease include fever, fatigue, dry cough and difficulty breathing, and the people involved in the study had a severe severity of the disease and did not need to be hospitalized.

Researchers say that those with the early symptoms of Cod19 will have a lower risk of transferring it to others.

Earlier last week, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed a coronary virus patient whose most prominent symptom was sudden and complete loss of sensation.

A woman over 40 years ago had a dry cough complaint but no fever.

Researchers gave the woman a chance to smell 5 different scents to test her aroma, but she could not smell any.

Researchers discovered in this patient’s MRI and CT scan why she eventually lost her sense of smell.

The narrow space behind the patient’s nose, where the air smells, showed swelling.

As a result of this swelling, the air contained in the air failed to reach the area, which helps to recognize the smell.

Earlier in March, the Royal College of Surgeons of England research yielded similar results.

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Research says that the smell of smell is already linked to viruses because 40% of such cases are reported after a viral infection.

According to the research, the increase in data from Cod 19 patients in several countries provides a strong indication that most patients also suffer from sensation of smell during the symptoms of the disease.

In fact, it can often be the first symptom to appear, which is said to be the first and most common symptom.

Evidence further revealed that in addition to smelling, deprivation of taste sensation was seen in people who did not show any other symptoms of Cod19 but the virus was diagnosed.

Researchers have suggested that the sensation of smelling and tasting should also be made part of the Cod 19 screening symptom list, as other problems with the respiratory system may appear without symptoms.

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The study further states that such cases have been reported in Iran, the United States, France and northern Italy.

Researchers said that they examined a few days ago 4 patients under 40, with no other symptoms, but suddenly lost sensation.

“We think these patients are silently spreading the virus,” he said.

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