
New medical and nutritional benefits of peas

LONDON: Nutritionists around the world are recommending eating delicious peas as new medical and nutritional benefits continue to emerge, and now more medical aspects have been revealed.

Peas are visible in winter. The delicious and flavorful peas of the lentil family are popular with children and adults alike. This is why peas are part of many foods. However, new medical benefits have come to the fore that add to the importance of peas.

There are compounds in peas that protect us from winter diseases by strengthening the immune system especially in winter.
Peas contain fiber, protein, minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients and antioxidants. According to the experts, there are four major medical benefits of matrakhana which are as follows.


Useful in diabetes

Peas keep blood sugar levels under control as they have a very low glycemic index. On the other hand, peas are rich in fiber which improves digestion and keeps blood sugar under control.

Useful for skin

Peas contain very useful ingredients for our skin. The most important of them are vitamin B6, vitamin C and large amounts of folic acid. Together, these three ingredients not only reduce internal body inflammation (inflammation). Thanks to them, free radicals are less formed in the body and their damage is also reduced. In this way, the elasticity and glow of the skin is maintained.

A treasure trove of protein

Peas are rich in protein and are the most important source of vegetable protein. Remember that we get protein from meat, eggs and milk etc. But apart from these foods, peas provide us with excellent protein. If you eat only vegetables, peas can make up for the protein deficiency.

Reduce cholesterol

Regular consumption of peas is rich in niacin, which prevents the increase of harmful cholesterol and fats. In this way, the harmful cholesterol is reduced and the beneficial cholesterol is increased. Thus, it can be said that potatoes can reduce the risks of heart disease and blood pressure because they have the ability to control cholesterol.

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