
Experts find out why a sudden touch to the elbow causes an electric shock

Cleveland: If your elbow is broken by something, you die, but why isn’t it so painful to hit something with another part of your hand? Medical experts have found the answer to this question.

According to the science journal LiveScience, an injury to the elbow is more painful because there are nerves, not bones, and that is why this place is also called ‘funi bone’. If even a small object is broken, this technical bone sends electric shock waves from the whole arm to the tongue.

Dr. Dominic King of the Cleveland Orthopedic Institute says that to understand this, one has to look at the tissue system in the human body. In scientific language, the femoral bone is known as the ulnar vein, which is the basic nerve of the arm. This vein travels from the spine to the neck through the groove between the two long bones in the arm from the elbow to the shoulder. The same Ulner vein is also responsible for the exchange of information from the tip of the finger to the brain, thanks to which we can touch and feel something.

When nerves travel through the space in your arm, a collision with your arm bone and a hard surface causes pressure on that vein, causing an electric shock like pain. This vein, located in the muscles and fat layers in the elbow, sends a single wave of pain to the entire arm and brain in the event of an injury, causing the sensation of pain to shake the whole body.

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