
Milat Episode 4 Urdu Subtitles

Dimitri? Try to remain still. Hamza stepped into the arrangement. Avoid getting involved in harmful situations. Take the team away. Huh! Bomb was neutralised. Mr. Yldre, I hope you are correct in your assertion! because the bow caused the arrow to come out. Everyone is aware of your expertise in complex issues. We should go fishing together someday. Let Amanat speak first, and we’ll then adjourn. reached It was quite simple to go from Bulgaria to Mykonos. President Minister! Chairman Greetings, Chairman Regards, Duran. There’s a storm coming. I see; good; but there is nothing I can do. The approaching storm is the only thing to be wary of. I anticipate their arrival. Nothing we do will be able to stop it.

However, I believed in you. You know, I don’t put a lot of faith in people. Though I was quite concerned. By Allah, Asif Chairman, I didn’t comprehend either. My most trusted man was sent, We arrived at the location just in time. The rest of it was as I had envisioned. Since when have you learned anything from me? pumpkin When compared to life, the human mind is impoverished and frail. You will suffer if you act only out of free choice. Either you will develop your own willpower and reach a point where you are capable of handling the challenges in your life. Pumpkin, keep your head away from this body. Huh! Mahmoud is missing.

We only provide business as per your directive, Chairman. Is the lesson effective? Good news, Chairman. He will pay his obligation, inshallah. You look after yourself, right? Do you mind if I look, Chairman? He is good, and so is the nephew, insha’Allah. Adjust it below. how to order There is some news, yes. in what way? Important. Talk to you then. I say crucial. No, it’s too complex to be possible now. In the evening, we hold a circumcision wedding. Anyway. Okay, let’s chat tomorrow. Haider Give your child a present this evening. Sir Murat Bey, please pardon me this evening. Astaghfirullah Problems are not always obvious to the naked eye. Try not to conceal it. My concern right now is for you, brother. What have we said? whomever can

Where are we heading and where did we come from? What can we do to follow the example given? What’s lacking? Your mental tranquilly is disturbed, in my opinion. There won’t be any anxiety or stress the day you get it back. the garbage Don’t give up if the news is unfavourable. this time is good. I’ve had intelligence updates. Attack on Syria; Operation Mykonos And Turkish intelligence was behind Ivan’s murder. To be aware of everything, you didn’t even need to read the intelligence report. You’re not contemplating detonating MIT, are you? In fact, I believe that One of the surgeons whom we used was taken. His son has circumcision as his wife. Of course, his friends won’t abandon him on his own. Oh, if

Please proceed, Chairman. Please move quickly! early. quickly I want you to look at me. This is what? Play with the soldier here. This is what? welcome God willing, there will be marriages. Amen, if God will thank you; best wishes. Welcome How did the marriage go? I appreciate it, Chairman. It was jam-packed. For us to have some privacy, I dispatched them. Best regards for a job well done. Amen, thanks, and welcome! May God richly bless you. Godspeed, my brother. Allahu akbar. What is still left? One month remains. Congratulations Regards, please Congratulations Come on, Chairman, Duran Chairman Order then Make a call to Dr. Atakan! Get the operating room ready! Anemia! Create a path! Happy! Happy! Please, stop right now. Move along, Happy! Come ahead, have a seat.

I see, John But maintain your composure. With God’s help, Haider. Agha Bey may have experienced a heart attack. You bring Asal home, Hamza, my son. She is unable to take two shocks in one night. Recently, things have not been well. Thanks, Chairman. Gokchi, be careful, Agha Bey. Hamza, if this information spreads, it will be problematic for the company. Tomorrow, break yet another story to the media. Chairman, I understand. Come, aisle mother; let’s go together. Mr. Yildry, you ought to pay attention to this title. We exterminated the bees. We are currently engaged in a conflict in which the guilty party will perish in flames. Such battles are common in our region, Raphael. You understand this better than I do. Media organisations’ attitudes are very significant.

There must be a reason for why you are so adamant about this. Oh, I enjoy sailors. He makes knots that are impossible to break Solving them by themselves. Men, let’s get your eyes open. We are now in a police area. Jay Sir Observe and listen to your surroundings. Mother Aisel also arrived. My son, can you check on him? He is now fine, therefore we are only waiting, mom. Gokchi Avenue sister. Murat? Come back often. When you don’t arrive Murat, how can I not come? My error in going anyway. Likewise, I left you here alone. let’s go Leave it at that. Where is Duran, Mehmood? Duran, Mahmoud, I said. The chairman of the Dispensary Villa, he reported for duty to tend to the injured. Why? I told you to stay.

I’m not sure, bro. His throat was slashed. Duran is a who? Duran I swear I once heard his name, bro. Whatever his name, he is her guy. Asif! Find out what is happening! They’ll murder me! Consider yourself to be alive? It will be the end of my brother. Even if I pass away, you will either be killed by them or me! Discover more about them by meeting them. Tell me about Duran, please! Learn more about Asif! Then perhaps I’ll let you live. Or do you comprehend I do, bro. Do you understand, bro? I do. very good The fools are torturing me! Their task is to ruin me. Kill them, kill them, screams Satan. Who trod once more on your feet? Birol? I

Let Yeldrey believe he accomplished his goals on his own. Essen She will also be prepared. but obviously for now. Before we ask, we’ll give. Mister Ender! Madame Fagan Be relaxed Relax, it’s already simple. then good night. Sleep well. Mr. Ender, get yourself together now. I’m attempting to keep you. Fagan Hanam, I’m not finished yet. I also understand how to escape the hole I got myself into. I don’t particularly require Mr. Yeldrey’s cooperation. Avoid doing it! It appears that your men were unable to fully inform you of the situation. I am an expert. You don’t know anything since you continue to perceive it as emerging from the abyss. Watch If you’d want, I

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