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HomeScience & TechHow is WhatsApp data stolen? The FIA Official Guide how to Protect...

How is WhatsApp data stolen? The FIA Official Guide how to Protect it

Mobile phone users generally understand that their WhatsApp data is secure or cannot be stolen, citing that theft of data is not a difficult task but there are some important steps to be taken.

FIA officials have shared a special awareness message to the public, Asif Iqbal Chaudhry, Assistant Director of the FIA ​​Cyber ​​Crime Wing, in his message on the social networking site Twitter, told how people’s WhatsApp data is stolen. ۔

He said that if a person’s mobile phone is unlocked, the hacker will log in to WhatsApp web in 10 to 20 seconds from his mobile, he only has to scan the QR code of WhatsApp web from the mobile if When WhatsApp logs in, all the people’s data and chat is captured by the hacker and he can steal the data and blackmail people.

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Asif Iqbal Chaudhry also taught the public how to protect WhatsApp data from theft, adding that many people do not know where their WhatsApp login is.

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So go to Mobile Phone settings and check that somewhere on the WhatsApp Web, they also have the option of logging in to WhatsApp settings so that you can log out everywhere, so your data will be protected.

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