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How Does the New Corona Virus Affect the Lungs?

Most cases of the new Novel Corona virus disease Cov-19 are confirmed through laboratory tests of sputum or mucus samples, but there is another potential source of infection.Code 19 is a respiratory disease during which most patients suffer from dry cough and difficulty breathing.

If the severity of the disease is high, the fluid in the patient’s lungs usually begins to appear fluid, which is similar to cases of pneumonia and can be diagnosed with a CT scan, which shows white marks on the lungs, which are seen on the doctor’s ground. Glass is called.

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In fact, the Novel Corona virus case affects a person’s lungs in a certain way that can only be seen through CT scans.

This was revealed in a research in China.

Cheng Ct scans of hundreds of patients were reviewed by Tong Ji Hospital in Wuhan (the city of China from which the virus began to spread).

According to research published in the journal Journal of Radiology, the analysis revealed ground glass infection, that is, the air passages in the lungs were filled with fluid while small cells in the lungs (which exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules), bleed. Is harmful.

These ground glass CT scans appear in the form of fade drops, which change in shape as the disease worsens, as you can see in the small yellow arrows in the CT scan below.

Photo courtesy of Journal Radiology

The fluid is not only specific to the corona virus, but is also discovered in many types of infections and lung diseases, but its structure and distribution in Cod19 is specific.

More than a thousand patients were included during this study and discovered that their chest CT scan was the most effective means of diagnosing Cod 19 compared to the lab test.

Cody 19’s serious complications appear as a result of pneumonia, which results in difficulty in breathing, oxygen levels in the body and coughing, not being able to absorb adequate amount of oxygen from the blood during the lungs. Û”

Another study details the cases of a 44-year-old man working in the Seafood Market in Wuhan.

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It is the market that is thought to have transmitted the virus from animals to humans for the first time.

Journal Radiology: Research published in Cardiothoracic Imaging revealed that the person was initially diagnosed with acute pneumonia, but was later diagnosed with Code 19 and died a week later.

Ground glass scars were clearly seen in her chest CT scans.

The new code 19 (Corona virus), launched in December 2019 from the Chinese city of Wuhan, has spread to about 156 countries around the world by the evening of March 15, affecting more than 565,000 people worldwide. Did.

As of March 15, 73,986 out of a total of 56,400 patients with corona virus had recovered, while 82,432 people were still battling the disease.

As of March 15, 5,833 people were killed in Corona virus-infected people worldwide, the highest number of deaths in China, but now the number of deaths and new patients is high. Has been reduced.

Up to 80,000 corona virus patients have been registered in China, out of which about 67,000 have recovered, and more than 3,000 have lost their lives.

Now there are between 10 and 20 patients coming from China every day, who are being treated in different hospitals. have been.

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Italy is the leading country in the fastest-hit European countries with 21,157 patients, while Spain ranks second with 6,000 patients, with over 4,000 cases reported in Germany and France, respectively.

In other European countries Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands also reported a thousand to 1,400 cases.

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After China, Corona virus has the highest number of deaths in 1441 Italy, with Iran second with 611, Spain third with 196, France fourth with 91, South Korea fifth with 72 and close to 60 America ranks sixth with casualties

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