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When is the Corona Virus most contagious?

Individuals who are infected with the new naval corona virus are more likely to transmit it to other healthy individuals in the first 7 days after being diagnosed with cod 19.It is thought that the new virus began to spread from China’s city of Wuhan in December 2019, which the World Health Organization called the Global Public Health Emergency in January and ever since, scientists have been constantly trying to find out.

The main purpose of learning about the Novel Corona Virus is to help set up effective prevention strategies.

Although much is not yet known about the virus, research has shown that the new corona virus progresses very quickly.

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Now German universities have claimed that they have discovered when the virus is most contagious.

This study by the Bundeswire Institute of Microbiology, Klinikum München-Schwabing, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin and University Hospital LMU Munich has not yet been published in any journal, meaning other scientists have not yet analyzed its quality and authenticity.

The results of the study suggest a possible reason why the virus is spreading so easily, because most people are spreading it when the symptoms are minor and can be quite mild.

However, researchers have published it online, showing how and by what means the virus spreads to different stages.

Researchers analyzed several samples of 9 Cod 19 victims who were being treated at a hospital in Munich and the severity of them all was moderate.

All of these patients were young or middle-aged and did not suffer from any other disease.

Researchers collected their saliva, blood, urine, mucus and waste samples at different stages of infection and then analyzed them.

Samples taken from patients’ throat revealed that the virus is most contagious in the first week when a person enters a person’s body, while blood and urine samples did not detect any virus. Viral NA was present in the waste.

Researchers say that this is completely different from SARS, in which the virus transfer process takes place in 7 to 10 days, but in the new nasal corona virus the process is accelerated by 5 days and one in comparison to SARS. Is a thousand times higher.

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They also discovered that in those individuals whose severity is high, the virus infection rises to the 10th or 11th day, whereas in moderated patients, the severity of this process decreases after 5 days. On the 10th day, and on the 10th day, this patient will probably not spread it anymore.

But researchers say the presence of virus RNA in the waste fails to create a viral culture, indicating that it could not possibly be a source of infection.

The results, he said, would help patients discharge and discharge themselves quickly from the hospital to overcome the lack of beds in the hospital.

Read Also:Corona virus is spreading twice as fast as expected, research

He says the results show that if a person has passed symptoms 10, he can be discharged from the hospital and kept at home.

However, as stated above, these are currently preliminary results, so further research can confirm this.

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