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HomeHealthDiscover the probable cause of the deadliest aspect of Code 19

Discover the probable cause of the deadliest aspect of Code 19

Code 19, a disease caused by the new corona virus, also increases the risk of blood clots, which can be fatal. Medical experts now believe that they know why this happens which will help in better treatment.

The claim was made in a medical study in the United States.

The Yale Cancer Center study found that a number of diseases increase the risk of blood clots, but in Code 19, the cells inside the blood vessels play a key role.

Damage to these cells has been shown to be a major component of the lethal effects of COD19, and our research has shown for the first time how this process works in COD 19 patients, especially the very sick.

During the study, blood samples were examined from 68 patients under Code 19, of whom 48 were in critical condition and were being treated in the ICU, while the rest were in the hospital but not in the ICU.

The researchers found that the rate of activation of blood endothelial cells and platelets was almost twice as high in patients undergoing treatment in the ICU as in others.

They found that one factor, thrombomodulin, was linked to the survival of all patients, and that testing it could help doctors better treat patients.

“If we can identify the factor that causes the patient’s condition to worsen and cause death, it will be very helpful as more care for such patients will be possible,” he said.

Researchers are now working on developing thrombomodulin-based tests that will also help protect against other life-threatening diseases.

“Our other goal is to find treatment strategies that can help prevent blood clots from forming, and we need to see how helpful the drugs are now,” he said.

The findings were published in the journal The Lancet Hematology.

Remember that corona virus is not just a virus that is confined to the respiratory system, but has one thing in common with some of the most dangerous symptoms, and that is blood clots.

Blood clots are caused when the blood thickens and slows down in the arteries, usually in the hands and feet, but can also occur in the arteries of the lungs, heart or brain.

In severe cases, this problem is fatal as it increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, blood clots in the veins of the lungs and others.

Doctors still do not understand how and why corona virus causes blood to clot, while Lewis Kaplan, a doctor at the University of Pennsylvania, told the Washington Post that medical experts have never seen such clots before.

“The problem is that we understand that there is a cult here, but so far we don’t understand why there is a cult here, we don’t know it yet and that’s why we’re scared,” he said.

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A study of 12 patients who died from COD 19 in Germany found that 60% could not diagnose blood clots in the legs or hands inside the body.

A recent study in the United States found that the corona virus attacks a tissue endothelium in the arteries of the bloodstream, causing damage that causes blood clots and the arteries do not work.

The researchers said that the blood of Code 19 patients starts to thicken easily, which makes it difficult to use the tube to deliver medicines and fluids.

When scientists examined the lungs of Code 19 patients under a microscope, they discovered tiny dark microclimates.

Blood vessels have also been blocked in patients who have died from the flu, but the number is nine times higher in people who have contracted code 19.

The study compared the lungs of seven of the seven patients who died from the flu and code 19.

The researchers said that the virus appears to cause more damage to the blood vessels in the lungs than to the airways and walls.

Blood clots in the arteries also increase the risk of heart attack.

A study of 187 patients with COD 19 in China found that about 30% of them had heart damage, which is probably why people who are already fighting the disease are infected with the corona virus. They have a much higher risk of death than others.

In fact, the study found that coronavirus mortality in people with heart disease is close to 10%.

A study of 184 patients undergoing treatment at the ICU in the Netherlands found blood clots in one-third and arterial blockage in 4%.

A study by Thomas Jefferson University in the United States looked at patients with code 19 who had had a stroke from March 20 to April 10, and it was abnormal.

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The study found that patients in their 30s, 40s and 50s had a higher rate of stroke than those in their 70s or 80s.

Fifty percent of the patients in this study were unaware that they had corona virus, while the rest were being treated for other symptoms of the disease when they suffered a stroke.

A few days ago, a study revealed that the mental health of patients with code 19 may also be affected.

Published in the journal Radiology

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