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HomeHealthCoronavirus is thought to increase the risk of stroke in young people

Coronavirus is thought to increase the risk of stroke in young people

Young people and healthy people who do not have the risk of stroke are more likely to be infected with the new Novel Corona virus as a result of Code 19, even if they do not show symptoms of the epidemic.

This was revealed in a medical study conducted in the United States.

The Thomas Jefferson University study looked at patients with code 19 who had a stroke from March 20 to April 10 and found it to be abnormal.

The study found that patients in their 30s, 40s and 50s had a higher rate of stroke than those in their 70s or 80s.

“Although we emphasize that these observations are from early and 14 patients, what we have discovered is worrying. Young people may not even know they are infected with the corona virus,” the researchers said. There is a risk of blood clots and stroke.

Fifty percent of the patients in the study were unaware that they had corona virus, while the rest were being treated for other symptoms of the disease when they suffered a stroke.

Research has shown that delays can be fatal if patients with symptoms of stroke avoid going to the hospital for fear of contracting the corona virus.

It was also discovered that the death rate among people suffering from paralysis after COD 19 is 42.8%, while the death rate from stroke is generally 5 to 10%.

According to the researchers, 42% of coronavirus sufferers were under 50 years of age, while those with stroke are usually over 65 years of age.

The patients had strokes in the large arteries and these observations were unusual for patients with strokes.

A few days ago, a study had also stated that the mental health of Code 19 patients may also be affected.

Scientists from the University of Cincinnati in the United States and four institutes in Italy analyzed the brain symptoms of COD 19 patients to shed light on the effects of the virus on the central nervous system.

The study, published in the journal Radiology, found that the virus can affect mental health and is the most common brain symptom in patients with stroke code 19.

The researchers said that the research reports on the effects of code 19 on the chest are more detailed, but very few reports about the brain effects of the virus.

He added that this is the largest and first study to date on the neuro-imaging features of Code 19 with the identification of brain symptoms, with these new trends allowing doctors to diagnose Code 19 faster and better. It will help and treatment will be possible soon.

The study analyzed brain symptoms and effects in patients at three major Italian hospitals, including medical centers at the University of Brescia, the University of Eastern Piedmont and the University of Sassari.

The study looked at data from 725 patients treated at the hospital, who were diagnosed with code 19 between February 29 and April 4, of whom 105 showed severe cerebral palsy and brain or spinal imaging.

Most patients (99%) had CT scans, while 16% had head and throat CT scans and 18% had brain MRI.

The researchers found that 59 percent of the patients had changes in their mental health, while 31 percent had a stroke, which was described as the most common brain symptom.

In addition, 12% of patients experienced symptoms such as headache, 9% experienced seizure and 4% experienced dizziness.

The researchers said 108 patients had no medical history and ranged in age from 16 to 62, with 10 suffering from stroke and 2 suffering from cerebral hemorrhage.

Elderly patients had a higher rate of mental health problems, he added.

Earlier, a study in China in April found that paralysis and other brain problems were more common in severe cases of coronary heart disease.

The study looked at 214 serious cases of the corona virus that had been treated at the onset of the epidemic in Wuhan, China, and doctors discovered symptoms of mental problems in more than 36 percent or one in three patients.

Dr. Bo Ho, who was involved in the study at Union Hospital in Wuhan, said that in such cases, medical professionals should consider brain symptoms as possible signs of corona virus so as not to delay or misdiagnosis.

The results of the study were published in the medical journal JAMA Neurology.

The research team reviewed the treatment results of more than 200 patients in 3 hospitals in Wuhan.

All of these patients had a high severity of the disease and were treated between January 16 and February 19, with an average age of 53 years.

By focusing on the symptoms of brain or central nervous system disorders in these individuals, the research team found that these problems are more common when the disease progresses, while in some cases the conventional symptoms of code 19 do not appear. Û”

In some cases these mental or neurological problems proved fatal, there were at least 6 cases in which stroke or brain hemorrhage was observed.

It is not yet clear if the coronavirus was the direct cause of the stroke, but the research team said that in severe cases of COD 19, worsening of the condition could be the result of a brain problem such as stroke, which contributes to a higher mortality rate.

Other mental health issues also play a role

Complaints of mental confusion, dizziness or headache were also observed in several patients coming to Patal, while loss of sense of taste or smell was also observed.

The study found that older patients, who already have a chronic illness, also had a higher risk of mental health problems.

But researchers say that this is not the final result of the effects of the new corona virus on the brain. In fact, more research is needed to fully confirm this.

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