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China’s decision that saved it from millions of cases of corona

Cod-19 outbreak of the new Novel Corona virus outbreak was first reported in China and has since spread to its patients worldwide.

China has surprisingly managed to prevent the outbreak, where the total number of cases is 82 thousand 602, the healthy people 77 thousand 202 and the deaths 3333.

That is, the number of patients there is slightly more than two and a half thousand, less than Pakistan.

The total number of cases is now less than the US, Italy, Spain, Germany and France, and this was a significant decision by China.

This was revealed in a UK medical study.

According to an Oxford University study, China’s emergency response to the initial phase of the Cod-19 epidemic helped prevent more than 7 million cases outside Wuhan.

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The study said that the number of certified cases was 30,000 on the 50th day of the outbreak in China (February 19), and if travel restrictions and national emergency response were not adopted on Wuhan, the number of cases in China outside Wuhan was 7 million. Could have been more.

The Chinese government imposed a strict travel ban at Wuhan on January 23, 2020, with different measures taken at different times in different cities according to the outbreak situation.

Researcher Professor Christopher Dye said China’s protective measures succeeded in breaking the battle for the virus, as it prevented the relationship between virus victims and healthy people.

Strict action is essential
In a journal published in the journal Science, scientists looked at reports of cases, analysis of human trafficking databases within China, and records of other actions.

Scientists also analyzed the susceptibility of 43 million people from Wuhan from January 11 to January 23, the day when China imposed travel restrictions.

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In addition, the types of administrative measures in other Chinese cities were also looked at and compared with the number of new cases on a daily basis.

Researchers say that one of the amazing aspects of our work is the power of data streams such as mobile phone movement data, the time we were researching included the Spring Festival and the beginning of the Chinese New Year. Yes, we were able to compare the travel trends of commuters to and from Wuhan during the outbreak with the help of mobile data for the two spring festivals.

With the help of this data, researchers were able to determine whether a nationwide travel ban could potentially help prevent millions of cases outside Wuhan.

According to the researchers, the analysis revealed that the restrictions imposed on January 23 resulted in a dramatic decrease in mobility, based on this data, we were able to estimate the potential reduction in the number of cases outside Wuhan. came.

The study said that because Chinese authorities shut down Wuhan at the outbreak of the outbreak, it allowed other cities enough time to take appropriate action against the gradual spread of the virus to the population.

According to the research, this could help delay the arrival of Code 19 in more than 130 cities.

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The Chinese government’s initiative gave other cities time to plan various measures, such as banning public gatherings, closure of public transport and closing of public places.

Overall, the number of Code 19 certified cases in the first week decreased by 33 percent, as a result of systematic response from other cities outside of Wuhan.

However, researchers warn that the outbreak in China is also likely to recur because as China’s small population has fallen prey to the virus, large numbers of people are still at risk.

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He said that there is a possibility that in the near future this corona virus will spread globally, such as a seminal virus

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