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The World Health Organization hopes the corona vaccine will be ready this year

A number of vaccines are being developed around the world to prevent the new corona virus epidemic, only a few of which are undergoing human testing.

So far, the World Health Organization (WHO) has said that a vaccine to prevent the epidemic will not be available until next year, but for the first time, the World Health Organization expects the vaccine to be available this year. Can be ready

Somiya Swami Nathan, chief scientist at the World Health Organization, expects millions of doses of the vaccine to be produced this year and 2 billion doses by the end of next year.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has also launched a plan to help decide the first dose to be given after the vaccine is approved.

Preference will be given to those who are more vulnerable to the virus as a result of medical staff, age or other illnesses, or to those working in areas where the risk of spreading the virus is higher.

“I am optimistic and hopeful, but vaccine development is a complex task. There is a lot of uncertainty in this regard. The good thing is that we will have many different vaccines and platforms, if the first or the second,” said Swami Nathan. If the effort fails, our hopes will not be dashed, we will not give up.

Currently, 10 vaccines are undergoing human testing, with the expectation that they will be able to prevent the outbreak of code 19 once they become available in the coming months.

Various countries have also started negotiating with companies for dosage of the vaccine, although no vaccine has yet proved effective.

The chief scientist of the World Health Organization said that the commitment to make millions of doses available this year raises hopes and the expectation of 2 billion doses of 3 different vaccines next year is very high.

He added that genetic analysis data so far have shown that the new corona virus has not undergone any changes that could affect the severity of the disease.

Learn about the vaccines that are making rapid progress so far, the success of which awaits the whole world.

The American company’s vaccine, MRNA 1273, was the first vaccine to enter the human testing phase, using the Messenger MRN technique, which required a virus to develop the vaccine. Does not happen

Messenger RNA, or mRNA, forms a key spike protein on the surface of the new novel corona virus, allowing the virus to enter cells.

When the vaccine is injected, it travels to the immune cells and instructs them to replicate the spike protein, acting as if the cells had been infected with the corona virus.

This creates immunity to the virus in other immune cells. The vaccine has now entered the second phase of human trials to test its safety and efficacy.

Oxford University
The University of Oxford in the United Kingdom is working with AstraZenka on the Code 19 vaccine, which uses a weaker strain of the common cold virus adenovirus derived from chimpanzees.

The virus has been genetically modified and cannot replicate itself. The vaccine also contains spike protein genes so that the immune system can destroy the new novel corona virus in the body.

The human trial began in April and was used on more than a thousand people between the ages of 18 and 55 to see how effective it was, with results expected this month or in July.

Researchers are now recruiting more than 10,000 adults and children for the second and third phases. Volunteers in the second and third phases will be given one to two doses of either the Code 19 vaccine or a licensed vaccine for comparison.

Brazil, the second-largest country infected with the corona virus, has also joined clinical trials and its doses will be tested on 2,000 volunteers there.

On the other hand, after the agreement with Oxford and others, AstraZenka is ready to supply more than 2 billion doses globally and it is expected that 400 million doses will be supplied by the end of 2020, while Oxford University researchers will introduce this vaccine by September. Are committed to

Bill Gates has already announced that he will spend billions of dollars on vaccine development, and his charity Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced 75 750 million for the Code 19 vaccine being developed under Oxford University in the United Kingdom.

Phaser and Biotech
These companies are testing 4 vaccines and each of them is using mRNA but each has a different combination of mRNA so that antibodies can be made targeting the antigens.

The BNT-162 vaccine is being tested on humans in Germany and the United States and is currently undergoing its first phase, in which four volunteers are being tested for safety, immunity and potential.

Initially, it is being tested in people between the ages of 18 and 55, and once the given dose proves to be safe and effective, the company expects the elderly to develop immunity to the virus.

Pfizer predicts that millions of doses will be made in 2020, while millions of doses will be made in 2021.

The first phase of the US company’s vaccine trial on humans began with 40 volunteers.

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