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HomePSL 2021Strict biosecurity rules developed for PSL

Strict biosecurity rules developed for PSL

KARACHI: The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has formulated strict biosecurity rules for the PSL, violating the ban of one to four matches and imposing fines of 25 to 100 per cent match fee.

PSL 6 had to be stopped in the middle due to positive corona cases, now the remaining matches are being played in Abu Dhabi next month, there were several incidents of players and officials breaking the bio-bubble rules in Karachi. The cricket board has now imposed severe penalties to avoid this problem.

Violations of the biosecure model fall into three categories, including minor violations inside the bubble, serious violations and going out of the bubble or damaging the environment, PCB bus or vehicle traffic. Do not wear time masks, sit close to other people in the lounge before air travel, do not wash or sanitize hands when entering the ground during matches or practice, spit on the ball.
No social distance from Lairto’s people on the ground, sharing drinks, water bottles, luggage, clothes, towels or kits with anyone, not giving details in the symptom tracking app, caps, hats, jumpers or glasses from the bowler. Giving the umpire space outside the ground, spitting on the field and some other things would be considered minor violations.

Going to an isolation room without a doctor’s advice, not wearing a mask during physio and massage treatments, sharing a bottle or using unmarked drink bottles and towels by players, throwing masks or gloves during air travel, to hide symptoms Taking any medication or altering test results or hiding information about the appearance of symptoms would be considered serious violations.

There are also several pages of details, the first minor violation will be dropped after warning and reprimand or a 25% match fee penalty, a 50 to 75% match fee penalty for repeat offenses or serious violations. Or one to three matches will be banned.

Violations of the biosecure bubble will result in immediate isolation, quarantine and PCR tests, a 100% penalty of match fees and a ban of 2 to 4 matches.

The convicted cricketer from the PSL Technical Committee will be able to appeal against the decision within 24 hours to the CEO PCB who will take a decision within three days.

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