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HomeHealthRussia successfully find the medicine 'game changer' to treat code 19

Russia successfully find the medicine ‘game changer’ to treat code 19

Work is under way around the world to find a cure for the new novel coronavirus, code 19, and in Russia, the third-largest country affected, a drug has finally been found.

Remedicators developed by Gilead Science have been found to be effective in treating the virus in various research reports, after which its emergency use in the United States and Japan has been approved.

But Russia has approved the use of the Japanese-made antiviral drug favipiravir, or in some countries, also known as avirfavir, as a treatment for people suffering from the epidemic.

It is estimated that more than 423,000 people in Russia have been affected so far, while more than 5,000 have died.

Russia’s Ministry of Health has declared the drug safe and effective for the treatment of code 19 and will start treating patients in hospitals from June 11 and will be exported to other countries once demand is met. Û”

In April, Russia began testing the drug to treat cod, and initial results were encouraging.

On May 13, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) said that the results of the initial clinical trials of this drug have been excellent.

During the trial, 60 percent of coronavirus patients were treated with the drug and recovered within five days, said RDIF chief Karl Dimitrov. Time reduced by 50%.

Russia is in the final stages of clinical trials of the drug involving 330 patients, with results expected this week.

RDIF has so far discovered that the use of this drug helps to reduce the symptoms in the affected people in a very short time and also reduces the duration of high fever.

RDIF CEO Kirill Dimitrov recently said that this Japanese drug is the best in the world in terms of code 19.

He described the drug as a “game changer” which he hoped would restore normalcy soon.

He said that with the help of this, 60,000 patients would be treated every month and during the trial of 330 people, most of the patients were successfully treated within 4 days.

He said further research on the drug would continue and that the Ministry of Health would approve its use through a special high-speed process, while its preparation in Russia began in March.

He added that the drug, in pill form, would make patients spend less time in hospital and reduce the time it takes for the virus to be transmitted to other people, especially for mild or moderately ill people. Is more efficient.

“Russian experts have made some changes to the drug to make it more effective for code 19 and we will share the details of these changes with others within 2 weeks,” he said.

He said the Middle East and Latin American countries have shown interest in purchasing the drug and it will be exported once its demand is met.

Scientists’ interest in the drug FupePiravir, developed by Fuji Film’s Toma Chemical Company, grew when a study in China revealed the results in March.

Testing of the drug in China began in February and its clinical trial was approved on March 15, and officials say its effects on patients have been encouraging so far.

During a study in Shenzhen in February, 320 patients with code 19 were given the drug, and the researchers found that it cleared the virus in an average of 4 days, compared to 11 days with other drugs.

More than 91% of patients using the drug also showed improvement in lung condition, compared to 63% in the other group.

The researchers said that these data show that the drug cleans the virus faster, with fewer side effects discovered so far.

Trials of the drug are also underway in Japan, and its use is likely to be approved soon.

The drug was developed by a company in the late 1990s and later bought by Fuji Film and is used against a type of influenza that is not affected by other drugs.

The drug was used in 2014 by Doctors Without Borders in collaboration with the World Health Organization to treat Ebola patients in Africa.

Research in Guyana found that when the drug was administered to moderately ill people, the mortality rate dropped from 30% to 15%.

Now the Japanese government expects the same benefits to be reaped against Code 19.

This drug is used in pill form and therefore may be more readily available than the remediator that is given in the form of an injection.

It should be noted that at present there is no cure for code 19 but its symptoms are treated with different drugs depending on their nature and the World Health Organization says that 97% of patients recover.

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