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HomeAbu Jafir Al MansurAbu Jafir Al Mansur Episode 27 in Urdu Subtitles

Abu Jafir Al Mansur Episode 27 in Urdu Subtitles

Why should you dismiss the Caliph’s requests to accept the legal executive? What is it that you need? I’m not so indulgent and lenient as the Caliph. Furthermore, my understanding is running out with you.

I’m giving both of you decisions: Either you expect the legal executive, or I’ll send you to imprison. Does the Caliph be aware of this? That is not your concern. Simply answer my inquiry. Give me a chance to give individuals back their levy. And afterward what? I’ll go to prison. Escort him where he needs to go and afterward take him back to me. Go! Go. Abu Jaafar’s military is gone to the last warrior. Say thanks to God! Say thanks to God no one told on us. Seems to be Abu Jaafar sent the military as a preplanned measure. I figure we ought to hold on until the Abbasid armed force arrives at Hashimiyya, and afterward we will announce our Call. A portion of our supporters are beginning to grumble.

Name the overall setting, so we could go out as one man. Yet, before that, send spies to tell our allies. – May God accompany us. – Yes, My Lord. Say thanks to God. Say thanks to God. Say thanks to God How delightful you are, Laila of Quraish! She’s the most gorgeous and alluring lady in Kufa. She’s the little girl of the perfumist, Ibn Burd. Might you at any point portray her for me? Maybe I could say sonnet befitting of her magnificence. Her magnificence is charming, and she’s in the prime of youth. – Beautiful. – She has an incredible figure as well. Bright white, stammers like a gifted artist. The foes kept abusing us, and we were the casualties of covetous eyes and tongues.

Nonetheless, Laila, a tail of bamboo, on the off chance that they contacted her with their hands she would turn out to be delicate. All around said, Ibn Burd. – How much is this? – 4 Dirhams. – 4 Dirhams? That is excessively. – Don’t be furious, man. I will offer it to you for 2 Dirhams. What is your take? – 2 Dirhams? That is excessively. – No, 2 Dirhams is a fair cost. – Is that fine with you? – What might I at any point do? – Peace arrive. – Peace arrive as well. – Peace arrive, Father. – Laila. For what reason would you say you were late? You knew the amount I wanted what I sent you to get.

The clients came, they endlessly held on until their understanding ran out, and they left, taking their cash with them. Please accept my apologies, Father, however the market is so packed. Maybe he entire world is in Kufa today. Where’s the remainder of the stuff? The merchant wouldn’t offer them to me until I addressed their full cost. He said: advise your dad to take care of his obligation or I’ll grumble to the Ruler.

That insatiable shipper! He thinks all vendors are deceptive like him. Here, return and purchase the remainder of stuff so I can set them up for the clients. In the event that they returned and didn’t find their orders prepared, they would search for another perfumist. Come on, pick up the pace. – Okay. – Come on, go. Issa container Moussa is here? When did you return? My Lord. I’ve recently returned. How was Basra when you left it? As well as may be wanted. It has never been so faithful to you however much I saw it this time. I thought you’d remain there longer. In the event that you saw it as I did, you would construct a castle there; as it’s the most secure spot for you.

– That much? – And much more, My Lord. And Ibn Al-Mahd? Ibrahim? In all actuality, My Lord, I just found out about him from you. Concerning the news we got, that was just the discussion of insane individuals in the back streets of Basra. – Where did he go then? – My Lord, search for him wherever with the exception of Basra.

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