Abu Jafir Al Mansur

Abu Jafir Al Mansur Episode 29 in Urdu Subtitles

Wonderful. That is wonderful, Abu Ayyoub. I’ve adequately seen. How about we return to the castle. Don’t you need to see the other homes that were transform into gardens? How about we go. Prepare. Stop, Rabie. I would rather not hear something else from you after I saw with my own eyes. Abu Jafir Al-Mansur My Lord, there should be some stunt. I swear I visited those homes yesterday and they weren’t as you saw them today. Please, My Lord, we should go to these bequests once more yet without telling anybody.

You’ll see the stunt I’m discussing. Consider the possibility that you were off-base, Rabie. You won’t see me in this royal residence once more, My Lord. What’s this, Rabie? Here are the terrains which Abu Ayyoub vowed to transform into gardens. What he showed you were homes possessed by certain Emirs. How are our domains, Abu Ayyoub? They have become gardens, because of your consideration, My Lord. May I withdraw? I feel so languid.

Me as well, My Lord. I’ll withdraw. Plunk down, Rabie. You stay as well, Abu Ayyoub. What’s engrossing you? Nothing, My Lord. Nothing. Plunk down. What’s engrossing our adored Minister? My Lord, a my relative asked me for some cash, and I don’t have the foggiest idea how to get it. What amount did they need? Abu Jafir Al-Mansur 100,000, My Lord. Whether it was 100,000 Dirhams or 300,000 Dirhams, how is it that you could take from the State’s depository, Abu Ayyoub? You burglarize me when you’re my Minister? Have I at any point denied you anything you requested? Have I at any point wouldn’t pay attention to your recommendation?

I made you the nearest individual to my heart. Yet, I can’t find you any reason. You bound yourself and sold out my trust for a modest bunch of cash! I feel frustrated about you, Abu Ayyoub. What’s more, I’m upset for myself as well; as today I’ve lost a deep rooted companion and sidekick. Tune in, Muhammad. – Yes, My Lord. – Be cautious while picking your cortege.

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