Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeScience & TechNASA's unique device for preventing the corona virus

NASA’s unique device for preventing the corona virus

The US space agency NASA has developed a device that could help prevent the spread of the Novel Corona virus.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has developed a necklace that warns people that they are going to touch their face to prevent the corona virus.

This device is called Pulse and was developed with the help of 3D printer.

It has a sensor that generates vibrations when the hands move towards the face.

The closer the hand is to the face, the stronger the vibration.

According to a NASA statement, “The purpose of this wearable device is to help minimize the spread of the corona virus, which spreads when a person touches a contaminated surface with their hands and then touches their eyes, nose.” Or touches the mouth.

“This device will allow people to estimate how many times people touch their face with their hands throughout the day. This is an unconscious behavior that no one even considers,” the statement added.

The US company said that this device can be manufactured by anyone at low cost and easily.

The process of making it and the list of parts are provided in open source and anyone can make this device for free with their help.

Other technology companies such as Apple, Samsung and Google are also making updates to the devices aimed at reducing the spread of Code 19.

Samsung and Google have introduced hand wash timers for smartwatches, while Apple introduced a number of features at its annual conference, one of which was the handwash timer in the Apple Watch.

Keep in mind that using a face mask outside the home, cleaning common items frequently, washing your hands often and touching your mouth at least can help protect you from the corona virus

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