Expensive filtered masks do not prevent the spread of corona virus, research says

Expensive filtered masks do not prevent the spread of corona virus, research says

Maryland: Regular experiments by an American engineer have shown that expensive face masks sold on the market with a small filter-like ‘exhaust valve’ (excitation valve) do not stop the spread of corona virus at all. ۔

He advised consumers to wear masks that do not have a filter. And those that are relatively thick.

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Matthew Stematis, an engineer at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the United States, used special cameras to capture the process of exhaling air after wearing various masks. Expensive N95 masks with exhaust valves (filters) do not block the air coming out of the mouth at all.
In contrast, when wearing a cheap but thick cloth mask, it successfully blocked the air coming out of the mouth.

Both the research paper and the related video were published yesterday on the Physics of Fluids website.

“A mask with an emission valve (filter) only protects the wearer from the corona virus that is spread in the air, but if the wearer himself is infected with the corona virus, then the mask will protect the person from the corona virus.” It will not stop the spread, ”Matthew explained.

In his article, he focuses on people who are infected with the corona virus but do not have any visible symptoms. By wearing a filter mask, these people escape from the corona virus spread by others, but the corona virus, which is released into the air by coughing, sneezing and breathing, cannot be stopped by the filter mask.

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Simply put, those who wear expensive masks are protecting themselves, but if they themselves are infected with the corona virus, other people will continue to be infected with Covid 19 through them. And in this case, this expensive ‘filter’ mask is completely useless.