Survival from Corona: Hundreds of people began taking ‘collective dives’ in cold water

Survival from Corona: Hundreds of people began taking 'collective dives' in cold water

Estonia: The global epidemic of Covid 19 has driven the world insane, and the latest manifestation of this insanity was seen in the Estonian coastal city of Tallinn, where hundreds of people plunged into extremely cold water for hours just to get there. So that they can be protected from corona virus.

According to the Reuters news agency, 505 locals swam for 4 hours and 50 minutes in a 25-meter-long pond built in an old submarine dockyard in Tallinn, Estonia. The temperature was 4 degrees Celsius.

To ensure the participation of a large number of people, a regular swimming tournament was organized here in which the participants had to swim in groups as well as dive in cold water.

It is widely believed in Estonia that prolonged exposure to cold water increases the number of white blood cells, which helps prevent coronavirus attacks.

The “gathering” was organized by Estonian citizen Ivar Teogidam, who is very keen on swimming in the cold season and has been holding similar gatherings for the past few years. He said rumors of a rescue from Corona this year had boosted the gathering’s popularity and the number of participants had more than tripled compared to previous years.