
Why do some patients with corona virus not show symptoms?

One aspect of the Novel Corona virus-infected disease Code 19 has been baffling medical experts around the world since the onset of the epidemic.

This is due to the fact that patients with corona virus who do not show symptoms of the disease, but even then they pass it on to healthy people.

That is, when these people do not even know that they are suffering from the disease, they do not even take precautions.

That is why it was important for experts to know the secret and try to find a solution.

Inside our lungs are specific immune cells called alveolar macrophages, which help maintain a healthy lung environment.

If the amount of these cells in the lungs is very high, then it is possible that these cells are also exposed to an invading virus.

When the body recognizes a viral infection, the immune system begins to make proteins that support the immune response and help fight the viral infection.

Alveolar macrophages help make the interferon proteins that fight respiratory viruses such as influenza.

The new corona virus is also thought to be a respiratory virus that usually infects epithelial cells in the outer layer of the lungs.

Now a new study has shown that the process of interferon formation in these affected cells is affected and as a result the response of the immune system is limited.

Although the epithelial layer is the target of the virus, it can be assumed that alveolar macrophages are the first to be exposed to the virus, and these cells are important for the lightning-fast immune response.

With this idea in mind, Aarhus University and Aarhus Hospital in Denmark studied how important the response of these cells to the new corona virus is.

For this purpose, they obtained these cells by isolating them from the lungs and examining the activity of the immune system while fighting the corona virus.

The results showed that these cells interferons effectively produce interferons against viruses they already know, such as influenza.

These cells were thought to have the ability to make a large number of interferons when exposed to a viral infection, but contrary to expectations, the researchers found that these cells did not produce interferons when exposed to the corona virus.

The results suggest that the new corona virus may hide its genetic material to avoid being recognized by these cells, which prevents the process of interferon formation.

According to research, this is the reason why the new corona virus does not activate the immune system in the early stages and the virus has a chance to spread before the symptoms appear.

Researchers say more research is needed on how the virus protects itself from the immune system’s identification process.

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