
“The next global epidemic could be more deadly,” Experts

GENEVA: World Health Organization (WHO) experts warn that despite the global outbreak of the corona virus this year, we are not at all prepared for any next global outbreak. And that could make any next epidemic more dangerous and deadly.

This was stated yesterday in the latest report by the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), an organization that monitors global preparedness for epidemics and diseases, which is itself a subsidiary of the World Health Organization. ۔

The GPMB members include dozens of medical professionals from around the world who monitor the regional and global spread of various diseases, as well as individual, collective, national and global measures taken to prevent the spread of an epidemic. Go
The report, entitled “A World in Disorder”, is based on a critical review of the practical steps and measures taken by various governments during the current global epidemic of Code 19. This is the second report of its kind, while the first report in the series came out last year.

The report strongly criticizes measures taken worldwide to prevent the spread of Code 19, calling them inadequate, inappropriate and unsatisfactory.

Criticizing the government’s response, the report said that although experts had warned in the early days that the novel coronavirus could soon turn into a global epidemic, most governments ignored the warning. Even the spread of code 19 in these countries got out of control.

The report expressed concern over the response, saying that if this trend continues, any future global epidemic could be more dangerous and deadly than the current global outbreak of Kvod 19K.

It should be noted that during the last 100 years, this world has been facing ten world epidemics. The Spanish flu pandemic in 1918 proved to be the deadliest, claiming more than 50 million lives.

Outbreaks of SARS, MERS and swine flu have spread worldwide since 2000, with experts estimating that there are an average of three major global epidemics each century.

Based on these estimates, the next global epidemic could strike at any time in the next five to 30 years.

Although this is not necessarily the case, it is imperative to be prepared for an epidemic. The GPMB has proposed five key points that are essential to preventing or minimizing the spread of any epidemic, not just today but in the future: responsible leadership, public participation, and hygiene. Strong and dynamic system, continuous investment, globally integrated and systematic preparation.

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