Sultan Muhammad FATEH

Sultan Muhammad Fateh Episode 9 & 10 With Urdu Subtitles


The ancient name of Constantinople was Byzantium

The ancient name of Constantinople was Byzantium. But when the Roman Emperor Constantine I moved his capital from Rome to here in 330 AD, the city was renamed Constantinople after its name (which became ‘Constantinople’ when it reached the Arabs). After the fall of the Roman Empire in the West, the empire remained in Constantinople, and from the 4th to the 13th century, the city developed to the point where no other city in the world could claim its equality.

That is why Muslims have been dreaming of conquering this city from the very beginning.

So, after a few initial attempts to achieve this goal failed, in 674 he prepared a large navy and sailed for Constantinople. The fleet set up camp outside the city and continued to cross the walls for the next four years.

Byzantine ships sailed out of the city and attacked the invading Arabs

Finally, in 678, Byzantine ships sailed out of the city and attacked the invading Arabs. This time they had a powerful weapon, called the Greek Fire. The exact formula is not yet known, but it was a flammable substance that was thrown by arrows and stuck to boats and ships. In addition, pouring water would further ignite the fire.

Arabs were not ready to face this disaster

The Arabs were not ready to face this disaster. So as soon as he saw it, the whole navy began to look like a volcano. The soldiers jumped into the water and tried to save their lives, but they could not find shelter because the Greek fire kept burning even after falling on the surface of the water and it seemed as if the whole Sea of ​​Marmara had caught fire.

The Arabs had no choice but to retreat. On the way back, a terrible hurricane made up for the shortfall, but only half of the hundreds of boats survived.

The famous Companion Abu Ayub Ansari also laid down his life

During the same siege, the famous Companion Abu Ayub Ansari also laid down his life. His tomb is still outside the city walls. Sultan Muhammad the Conqueror built a mosque here, which the Turks consider a sacred site.

Sultan Muhammad Fateh Episode 9 & 10 With Urdu Subtitles

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