Science & Tech

Details of Samsung Galaxy S22 features leaked

Samsung had introduced a new midrange 5G smartphone of Galaxy M series a few days ago and now the details of the features of its new phone in Galaxy S series have been leaked. Remember that Samsung never paid attention to the optical zoom capabilities for its S series flagship phones. The Galaxy S20 and S21 have incredible hybrid zoom power, but there is an optical zoom that can zoom…
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Science & Tech

IPhone 13 Introduction Date Leaked

Apple has not announced a date for the introduction of the iPhone 13 series, but a leak has been made in this regard. According to a report by Apple Insider, the iPhone 13 will be introduced on September 14 and will be available to consumers from September 24, according…
Science & Tech

Google makes third party signing easier

Silicon Valley: Google has come up with an easy solution to another long-standing problem for its users. Most of us must have used the third party sign-in option to log in to a new application, which allows users to avoid the hassle of remembering the password for each…