
Obesity in adolescence and middle age increases the risk of premature death

Being overweight in adolescence and middle age increases a person’s risk of early death.

This was revealed in a new medical study conducted in the United States.

Research from the Boston University School of Medicine has found that people who gain weight in adolescence and reach obesity in middle age have a much higher risk of early death than those who are underweight. ۔

The study, published in the medical journal JAMA Network Open, estimates that there is a link between premature death and obesity in more than 12% of Americans.

The researchers said the findings suggest that the focus should be on preventing obesity, especially at a young age, to improve people’s health.

“The results of the research provide important evidence of the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight throughout life,” he said.

The study used data from more than 24,000 people who participated in a nutrition survey in the United States from 1998 to 2015.

The individuals ranged in age from 40 to 74, and the data included the volunteers’ body weights at 25 years of age, 10 years ago and 10 years later.

The researchers analyzed body weight changes and the likelihood of a voluntary death during the observation period.

They found that people who were overweight from the age of 25 to middle age had a higher risk of early death than others.

Researchers estimate that if obese people at the age of 25 lose some weight in middle age, the risk of death may be reduced.

“Although research has focused on premature deaths, maintaining a healthy weight reduces the risk of many chronic diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and cancer,” he said.

Earlier, a medical study in Canada in February this year found that obesity should be considered premature aging because it increases the risk of diseases that are more common in older people. ۔

According to research from Concordia University, obesity can lead to life-threatening diseases such as genetic mutations, weakened immune systems, impaired brain function, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, coronary heart disease, cancer and other diseases. Which is more common in older people.

The study, published in the journal Obesity Reviews, analyzed more than 200 articles on the effects of obesity, ranging from cell surface to whole body.

“We have done our best to systematically prove the point that obesity is not inferior to old age, in fact the process of both obesity and old age is similar,” the researchers said.

Research has shown how obesity can lead to an increase in physical age in many ways.

Numerous research reports in the past have linked obesity to premature death, but the scientists involved in the study discovered that obesity accelerates the mechanism leading to aging.

Researchers have looked at the process of cell death and the repair of healthy cells, as it is commonly associated with aging.

Research reports have also shown that this process affects the body’s systems, increasing the risk of cancer, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

At the genetic level, obesity causes a number of mutations that are linked to aging, including a reduction in the length of telomeres present in chromosomes, and less than 25% of telomeres in obese patients, the researchers said. Is.

The researchers also said that the effects of obesity on brain degeneration, blood pressure, stress and mobility are similar to those seen in old age.

Obesity at the cellular level weakens the response to age-related diseases, and subsequent weight loss cannot reverse the process.

As for the effects of obesity on the immune system, it increases the risk of diseases such as influenza, while obesity also increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s and various types of cancer

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