Gelsin Hayat Bildigi Gibi

Gelsin Hayat Bildigi Gibi Episode 1 with Urdu Subtitle

Brother. Please let me do the service. Thank you Bahadir. Gelsin Hayat Bildiği Gibi Episode 1 I would also make the coffee. You just bothered. Roasting and cooking menengiç does not bother me, on the contrary, it gives me great pleasure, Bahadır. Look at that scent. The taste that will come soon is good news. You are right bro. You order, sit down.

Your guest is already waiting. I’ll bring your coffees. Thank you Bahadir. Sorry Muhsin. I made you wait a bit. I had little work at the counter. Estagfurullah Emin Bey. Your coffees, man. Don’t be missing, don’t be missing. Thank you Bahadir Bey. Have you ever had menengiç coffee in your life, Muhsin? I drank once years ago, man. not enough. At least one cup every day. Menengiç is a panacea.

My late grandmother said it strengthens the memory. Even at the age of 92, he used to go to the Çanakkale front from our village and count the names of 27 sons of the country who were martyred there. Let the soil of Cemil’s sentence be plentiful, brother. -Amin Muhsin, amen. -Amine. In short, I would say that I recommend you to drink at least one cup every day.

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