
Did the Corona virus spread to Italy in November last year?

Italy is badly affected by the global outbreak of the Corona virus, where the death toll has risen to more than 8,000 while more than 80,000 have become ill.

Italy is the third largest country after the US and China, and it has now been revealed that the virus probably arrived in the European country in the last quarter of last year.

In fact, scientists in Italy are now trying to figure out more cases than the outbreak of the new Novel Corona virus in the last quarter of 2019 in Lumbardi, the region most affected by the outbreak. Had already spread.

Earlier this month, the South China Morning Post reported in a report that a potential first patient of the new Novel Corona virus had appeared in China on November 17.

Chinese authorities have identified 266 people diagnosed with the Nodal Corona virus disease so far last year that they were diagnosed last year and had undergone some sort of medical procedure.

Some of these cases may be dated as Chinese doctors realized in December that they were experiencing a new disease.

Scientists are trying to map the early spread of Cody 19 and are looking for a zero-patient (first patient).

It appears that this was the first patient of a 55-year-old man from Hubei, Wuhan, where the virus began to spread, in China, though the evidence is inconclusive.

Something similar is happening in Italy now, and according to news agency Reuters, Milan University’s epidemiologist Professor Adriano Desserley said that a significant increase in pneumonia and flu victims in Lombardy and Milan hospitals was reported from October to December last year. Was seen

He said that he could not give exact figures yet, but during the last quarter of 2019 there were more cases than usual in hospitals in which patients suffered symptoms like pneumonia and flu and some died.

They are now collecting records of hospital records and other details of cases, such as deaths in homes, to help understand if the virus had spread to Italy in late 2019.

“We want to know if the virus had arrived in Italy at the end of 2019 and if so, why it has not been caught for such a long time,” the professor said.

Read Also:Corona virus: more than 5 lakh 75 thousand victims worldwide, death exceeds 26,000

The World Health Organization says the new Corona virus outbreak began to spread to Wuhan in China in December.

The Italian professor says that once his research is completed, it is likely that the local medical administration will consider examining the bodies of those killed by suspected symptoms.

Other experts, on the other hand, have doubted the idea that the new virus was already circulating in Europe before the end of 2019.

“I don’t think there was a possibility that the virus was in Europe before January,” said Paul Hunter, a professor at Britain’s East Angela University.

He said that the idea could not be considered concrete until the Italian public presented positive results.

Outbreak in Italy
The first case of the disease was reported in Italy on February 21, but some scientists believe the virus started spreading to the country at least a month ago.

“The virus was present in the second half of January,” said Massimo Galei, head of the epidemiological unit at Sako Hospital in Mela.

Read Also:101-year-old victim of cod 19 in Italy recovers

However, they say the chances are unlikely that the virus was present in Italy before January.

According to Giuseppe Ramiozzi, director of Milan’s Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, some doctors in Lombardi reported an unusual number of pneumonia cases late last year, which are now suspected.

He said both lungs were affected in several cases of pneumonia, with symptoms such as high fever, cough, fatigue and difficulty breathing.

“None of these cases was made part of Cod 19 because there was no evidence of the presence of the disease at that time,” he said.

He added that if evidence for this new disease cases is confirmed in Italy in November, it would be an indication that the virus did not catch on for several months.

But then the question arises as to when did the virus begin to spread in China and how it went from there to other countries.

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According to Italian scientists, some scientists in some scientific journals have suspected that the virus appeared in China in October 2019.

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