
Code 19 can damage blood marrow cells, research shows

Coronavirus virus can damage blood marrow cells in people who are very sick. This was revealed in a new medical study.

Earlier, research reports found that code 19 causes a severe immune response, and in some patients, it occurs in immune cells in the bone marrow.

The study, published in the medical journal Science Immunology, analyzed the immune response of 43 patients undergoing treatment for the rise of corona virus in the UK.

They discovered various mutations in the immune response, especially in monocytes, which are immune cells that are released from the bone marrow into the bloodstream.

In most people who become moderately ill with the corona virus, abnormal levels of immune cells return to normal during a hospital stay, but in severely infected people, the monocyte function does not work properly.

The researchers were unable to say for sure whether the functions of these immune cells change before they leave the bone marrow, or after they enter the bloodstream.

However, the researchers said that the treatment could reduce the severity of the immune response by preventing the release of monocytes.

“The important thing is that immune system disorders occur before a patient is admitted to the ICU, so patients should start using immunotherapy as soon as they are admitted to the hospital,” he said.

He said that hospitalization can be very beneficial for the patients, especially when the immune system is affected.

William Schaefner, a professor at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, recently said, “Once a patient is operated on a ventilator, his or her stay on the machine is longer than that of other illnesses, such as the flu.” It gets worse.

As you may know, the new Novel Corona virus is a respiratory virus. When an infected person sneezes, coughs or touches a surface, healthy people are exposed to particles that come out of their mouths or objects contaminated with them. Can be infected with a virus.

Once in the nose or mouth, the virus targets cells that contain a receptor S2 that is present at the end of the throat and in the nasal passages.

According to Christine Hawkins, a professor at the University of Brent, it is an important receptor that regulates blood pressure, at the level of which the virus finds its way to open and then enters cells to replicate its machinery. Seems to use.

“Once he makes multiple copies of himself, these new viruses leave the cell and begin to infect more cells. In some cases, the virus is confined to one place, while in other cases, the virus infects the lungs,” he said. Going into the depths of the organ begins to affect the cells.

With copying, the virus begins to build up in the lungs, causing inflammation and coughing.

“At the same time, the body’s response to inflammation is activated and it tries to fight off the virus, which causes sore throats, coughs and fevers,” says Professor William Schaefner.

Cough means the discharge of mucus, fever slows down the spread of the virus, that is, the process of copying slows down, these are the symptoms of a mild disease.

After a week or 10 days of fighting, most people’s immune systems are able to control the virus.

According to Professor Christine Hawkins, “this is enough time for the immune response, during which the body develops short-term immunity. However, if this war continues and the virus overpowers the immune system, it becomes difficult to control.” The virus continues to spread from and to more parts of the lungs.

William Schiffner said that once the virus enters the lung ducts, it can interfere with the function of lung tissue, leading to pneumonia, which is usually a sign that the virus is no longer mild. Should be understood.

People’s condition may improve after that but it takes more time.

When the virus travels to the lungs, the immune system is trying its best to stop it and an army is chasing the enemy.

According to Professor Christine Hawkins, “viruses with an aggressive nature, such as these new corona viruses, test the immune system.”

Often the immune system does not cause much damage to the infected person’s body and this usually happens within an week.

But because the virus is so new to the human body, the fight is not always as simple as the immune system weakens with age, which is why older people have a higher risk of serious illness.

In addition, those who already suffer from a disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure or others, have a weakened immune system, which makes the body more vulnerable despite the reaction against the virus.

Sometimes even young and healthy people get very sick at this stage.

Professor Christine Hawkins said: “In two weeks, the immune system should be able to control the virus. People who already have a disease, are too old or the immune system is not working properly, should maintain this balance.

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