Interesting & Funny

Can cats see in complete darkness?

Have you ever noticed that cats lie dormant all day long but suddenly become very active in the evening?

By the way, cats are believed to be nocturnal creatures, but this is not true.

But the question is, are cats capable of seeing in complete darkness?

You may be surprised to learn this because most people believe that cats can see in complete darkness, but this is not the case.

In fact, cats need light to see in the dark, no matter how small.

According to experts, in low light conditions, unlike humans, cats need one-sixth of the light, but in complete darkness they cannot see anything.

Like dogs, cats have more cones in their eyes (the nerve endings of the eyes that are affected by light) and tahitum (a layer of cells that glows the membrane of the eye), so they have more light than humans. Can process better.

Although cats can see in such dim light that humans cannot see, this does not mean that they can see everything clearly.

According to experts, another unique element of cats’ eyes is their bent elbows, vertical thin and large lenses.

These vertical pupils spread 135 to 300 times more in low light (only 15 times the mass of humans), which helps them to see better in dark environments, but stretching the pupils makes things look blurry. ۔

Cat-like long-strapped puppets, capable of amazing light control, enable them to hunt in almost complete darkness as well as in sunlight.

It is this structure of puppets that helps cats and other animals in their family hunt, meaning that it is possible for them to determine the distance to jump.

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