BlogZeshan Nisar Blogs

Electric Energy, Modern world and Pakistan. Where we stand?

In the modern world, electric energy is one of the most primary need of every person. Look around your self, you’ll find countless appliances that are run by electricity, whether it is your cell phone, laptop you often use or to enlighten your house by giving light at night. It is so important for every single field exist on the planet Earth. It is integrated every where including…
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Blogkurlurus Osman Latest News

Was "Ertugrul Ghazu" a Muslim?

Nowadays, the Turkish drama “Ertugrul” is very popular, the story of which revolves around the life and struggle of Ertugrul, the father of Sultan Usman, the founder of the Ottoman Empire. A particular group of the society is very anxious to see its popularity…
BlogZeshan Nisar Blogs

Conference Call and its types

A conference call is a call where somebody converses with many people simultaneously. The conference call might be intended to permit the called party to take an interest during the call or set up with the goal that the called party simply tunes in into the call and…
BlogZeshan Nisar Blogs

Mortgage its characteristic and types

A mortgage is a sort of debt tool, fixed by the guarantee of determined land property, that the borrower is obliged to take care of with a foreordained set of payments. A mortgage is therefore an arrangement where a property like land, house or a building is utilized as an…
BlogZeshan Nisar Blogs

Top 10 Universities of The World

There are numerous universities around the world responsible for higher education of the students both domestic and international. But there are some universities which are considered as the best in the world due to the quality of education given to the students. By…