
Best tips to help prevent life-threatening illnesses such as high blood pressure

High blood pressure is a dangerous disease that can be devastating to the heart. It is estimated that more than one billion people worldwide suffer from high blood pressure, which, if left unchecked, increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

But the good news is that blood pressure can be lowered naturally, even without medication.

According to a survey conducted a few years ago, about 52% of the Pakistani population suffers from high blood pressure and 42% do not know why they suffer from high blood pressure.

Learn about natural remedies that can prevent high blood pressure.


Walking and exercise

Varsh is one of the best ways to reduce high blood pressure levels.

Exercising regularly strengthens the heart and improves blood pumping ability.

150 minutes of moderate exercise a week, such as walking or 75 minutes of strenuous exercise such as running, lowers blood pressure and improves heart health.

Excessive exercise can further lower blood pressure levels, in fact just a 30-minute walk throughout the day can also help keep blood pressure normal.

Reduce salt intake

The use of salt is very high throughout the day due to the high consumption of market foods.

Numerous research reports have linked high salt intake to high blood pressure and heart disease, including stroke.

If you are already suffering from high blood pressure, you should reduce the use of salt in your diet and give preference to home cooked food instead of market foods.

Consume more foods rich in potassium

Potassium is a very important component for human health, which helps the body reduce sodium excretion and pressure on blood vessels.

Consumption of potassium-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes, yams, watermelons, melons, bananas, malt, apricots, milk, yogurt, fish, nuts and seeds reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

Low caffeine intake

Even if you do not have high blood pressure, it is better to avoid excessive use of caffeine, as this factor increases the heart rate and blood pressure.

It is not yet clear why caffeine raises blood pressure, but it does, so consuming more than 4 cups of coffee a day is enough to make a patient with high blood pressure.

Learn to control stress

Stress is a major cause of high blood pressure, and if you experience stress all the time, your heart rate increases and your arteries constrict.

According to various research reports, various methods can help reduce stress, such as listening to soothing music and doing less work.

Use of chocolate and coca

By the way, eating a large amount of dark chocolate is not good for the heart, but a small amount is definitely beneficial.

This is because dark chocolate and coca powder are rich in flavonoids, a plant compound that dilates blood vessels.

Various research reports have found that cocaine, rich in flavonoids, improves heart health in the short term and lowers blood pressure levels.

Weight loss

Obese people can significantly improve heart health by losing weight.

According to a study, 5% reduction in body weight significantly reduces high blood pressure.

This effect is exacerbated when exercise is combined with weight loss efforts.

Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness as the arteries widen and constrict.

Avoid smoking

The nicotine in cigarettes raises blood pressure, so people who smoke excessively throughout the day always have high blood pressure, which can be the best way to prevent heart disease and stroke.

Limit the use of sugar and refined carbohydrates

There is a growing body of evidence to suggest a link between sugar and blood pressure.

According to a study, women who drink only one soft drink a day have higher blood pressure levels than women who abstain from these drinks.

Another study found that low consumption of sugary drinks lowers blood pressure.

Not only sugar but also white flour like refined carbohydrates cause problems by rapidly turning into blood sugar.

Eat berries

Berries are rich in polyphenols, natural plant compounds that are good for heart health.

Polyphenols reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease and diabetes, as well as improve blood pressure, insulin resistance and inflammation.

One study found that eating foods rich in berries and polyphenols reduced the risk of heart disease.

Try meditation and deep breathing

By the way, both of them help in reducing stress but at the same time they stimulate the parts of the nervous system which help in calming the body, slowing down the heartbeat and lowering the blood pressure.

Calcium-rich foods are also useful

High blood pressure is more common in people with calcium deficiency.

Calcium supplements have not been shown to lower blood pressure, but foods rich in this component are definitely beneficial.

Along with milk and dairy products, green leafy vegetables, seeds, fish and sour fruits are excellent sources of calcium.

Magnesium rich foods

Magnesium is an important ingredient in keeping blood vessels calm, although very few people suffer from it, but most people do not have it in their diet.

Some research reports suggest that low magnesium intake may cause high blood pressure, but the evidence is not entirely clear.

But it is clear that foods rich in magnesium can help reduce high blood pressure.

Milk or dairy products, vegetables, pulses, chicken, meat and grains are the best sources of this ingredient.

Alcohol is destructive

Alcohol raises blood pressure and is linked to 16% of blood pressure cases worldwide.

So avoiding it is important to keep blood pressure normal.

Note: This article is for general information only. Readers should also consult their physician in this regard.

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