2,000-year-old arthritis drug Also useful against the Corona

2,000-year-old arthritis drug Also useful against the Corona

Athens: Greek experts have found significant success in treating the corona virus with colchicine, an ancient arthritis drug.

According to a report published in the latest issue of the online and open access medical research journal “JAMA Network Open”, the medical test was performed on 105 people infected with the corona virus, in which all patients were given other conventional drugs. Were

Of these, 55 did not take Kolchi Sen, while 50 patients used one tablet of Kolchi Sen daily with conventional medication for three weeks. In this study, which lasted for about a month, the condition of 7 patients who did not use kulchi sen worsened, while only one of the patients who took one tablet of kulchi sen daily became worse.
Although the results of this study are promising, experts warn that this study was done on a limited scale, so until there is a larger and more careful medical study about it, Kolchi will help in the treatment of corona. Sen should never be suggested.

It should be noted that more than 100 vaccines for corona virus are currently being worked on around the world, while corona is also being used in the treatment of patients recovering from Covid 19, from blood plasma to other drugs already used to treat other diseases. Experiments are underway to help treat the virus. The medical trials of Kolchi Sen are also a link in the same chain.

Remember that Kolchi Sen is a low cost and ancient medicine whose main purpose is to reduce joint pain in arthritis but in recent medical history it has also been successfully tried to reduce pain in heart diseases.

In light of these promising results, another major study has been approved in the United States, which is expected to involve 6,000 people infected with corona.